Hello World!

Have you seen the cockpit videos recently released by the US Navy—and the article about the videos and the worried pilots in the New York Times? The fighter jets keep encountering these strange things flying, things that hover and spin, that zoom through the sky, even fly directly at them at high speeds.

If someone says “UFO” with a straight face you have to laugh, but you know, eventually...

These photos are of stars and in the center of each photo is a star that has a planet circling it that is a top candidate for life off the Earth. The circles of color are an artifact of the lens—a lens designed like a telescope with mirrors in the light path—being slightly defocused. The colors themselves are a code of sorts, hinting at where in the sky you might find each of these stars (hint, sky around earth = 360 degrees, color wheel = 360 degrees).

The stars move across the sky so of course you need a specific day and time to make it all work. Why not my own birthday, my own birth minute?


Static Films


19 Airplanes